Oct. 24, 2006

Dear Friends in the Lord Jesus Christ,

“I will praise You, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High,” Psalm 9:1,2.

We rejoice at God’s faithfulness and are so thankful for the salvation we have in His blessed Son Jesus. When I meditate on the Lamb’s Book of Life and think of those whom God has brought across our path whose names are also written in the Lamb’s Book, I rejoice. Just think, we will have all eternity together before Him! Thank you, Father, for what you have done!

I want to give you a report on the ministry and prayer needs:

  1. Fridays I meet with the men in prison, and again, we rejoice at what God is doing. A few weeks ago I asked the men what they wanted to do with their lives when released. Several said they wanted to give out God’s Word to people, but acknowledged that first they need to learn what it is truly teaching and then to live a life of victory! Glory to God! Please pray that the Lord would grant me wisdom in training these men to see their burden and desire truly fulfilled.
  2. I accompany Bev to the jail on the first Wednesday of each month as she brings God’s Word to the women. I am so thankful for my wife, and I am proud of her.
  3. We meet with the young people usually on Friday nights. We are all flexible about scheduling according to ministry trips. These young men and women have a passion for the reality of Jesus in their lives. Please keep these meetings in your prayers, and pray for the youth of our nation.
  4. On Sunday evenings we meet with a group of believers who hunger for a deeper walk with Christ. The Lord has added a few to our fellowship in the past couple of months.
  5. We are still actively ministering in Maryland. The dear Lord is drawing out His saints, and as the Word goes forth we can observe those who have the life of Christ as a reality versus those who are church goers (professing Christians). Hear what Jesus said in Matt. 15:8; “These people draw near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.” Church goers give God lip service, but their hearts (lives) are lived not for God’s glory but for themselves. A Christian is one who knows, loves, and obeys God. James 2:24 says, “You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.” Please pray hard that people would see that their salvation lies not in a decision for Christ (as in “Jesus gets my vote”), but that their hearts abide in Him, and fully trust in His finished work. Consequently Christians serve the Lord not to gain salvation, but rather in deep gratitude for what it is that He has done. Christians love to serve the Lord!

I have been asked to speak at a convention in Nigeria in December, and to travel with a Nigerian evangelist. Several contacts have been made, and we have begun to receive some information. Please pray for this and ask the Lord if He would have you participate financially in such an endeavor.

Some of you have sent us concerns and prayer requests.   We want you to know that we do pray for you.  We encourage all of you to keep up the good fight of faith.  Blessings to you all.

Your Brother and Fellow Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ,


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