MAY 22, 2007

Dear Brethren and Friends,

Greetings in the precious name of Jesus. We do hope you are pressing toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus, as stated by the Spirit through the apostle Paul in Philippians 3:14. This is Bev writing this time, so I am going to quote my husband’s opening statement in our Bible study last night. Meditate on this and the following Scripture verse: “Trust is faith brought to perfection.” Peter 3:23, “who, when He was reviled, did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously.” We are told in Scripture that faith can be as tiny as a mustard seed, but faith can grow into a deep, abiding, unshakable trust in our loving Heavenly Father, even as Jesus fully trusted His Father as He hung on the cross. We pray that as we are all met with the many difficulties of life, our faith will be perfected as complete trust. Glory to God!

Last week was a highlight this year with a visit from our son Jesse (on R&R from Iraq) and his wife Heather, and my Dad and Mom from Texas. For part of the day on Friday, May 18, our entire family was together and we were able to take our first four-generation picture! You can imagine what an incredible milestone that was for us, and for my folks! We are so very thankful for the health and strength God has granted my parents, as they have had a challenging (health wise) year. Ben and Angela’s baby, our grandson Wyatt (another highlight), is almost four months old, and he is doing great. He is such a good baby. They are truly blessed. Bless the Lord!

For about the past six weeks, Jim has struggled with a sickness that affected his throat and his overall strength, and he had to cancel several different meetings because he could not talk or sing! We have observed through the years that when some infirmity comes on him, his arm or his voice are most often affected. As most of you know and have experienced in some way, his music is a vital part of his ministry in the Lord. Thank you for all your prayers on our behalf, and he is getting his strength back enough to do a scheduled home concert in Maryland this Saturday, May 26. Please keep the weekend in your prayers, that the message of the Cross will go forth in power and hearts will be touched for God’s glory! Thanks.

In the men’s Bible study on Friday at the Chemung County Jail, God moved on the hearts of men. One of them fell on his knees and pleaded for mercy and salvation. Jim prayed with him as he repented and cried out to God. What a joy! As the old-timers would say, he is “hopefully converted.” Today Jim spoke with the director of the prison ministry who reported that in the Sunday morning service, that man truly demonstrated a changed countenance and actions. Praise God, He is the only One who can make all things new! Thank you for your prayers regarding the prison ministry. Jim and I will be going more regularly for one-on-one meetings also. We can be more personal with them and answer some of the questions they might not have opportunity to ask during the group meetings.

We are so thankful for your prayers, notes of encouragement, and your gifts. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” (Eph. 1:3) PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!

Yours for Jesus’ sake and the furtherance of His Kingdom,

Bev, for Hand to the Plow Ministries

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