January 31, 2004

Dear Friends and Brethren,

It’s been a long times since I’ve sent out a prayer letter, but recently the Lord laid on my heart the need to do so.  Romans 15:30 says, “Now I beg you, brethren, through the Lord Jesus Christ, and through the love of the Spirit, that you strive together with me in prayers to God for me, that I may be delivered from those in Judea who do not believe, and that my service for Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints,…”

Paul was making this request because, although many in Judea wanted to see him destroyed, he was trusting God and asking prayer for divine enablement, that his service would be pleasing to God and souls would be touched to the glory of Christ.  Paul uses the word “beg”, and I am also.  I’m writing to a few of you whom the Lord laid on my heart, and I’m begging you to pray for me.  On Feb. 14th and 15th I’ll be singing and preaching at the White Mountain Chapel in Conway, New Hampshire.  The Lord has opened this door, and I’m praying that the message will be heard, understood, and acted upon by all who attend.  As many of you may recall, it takes time for an awakening.  Most churches don’t realize this and commonly say, “the people won’t come.”  I believe if God moves, they will!  The need for true revival is more desperate now than ever.  Homosexuals are pushing for their rights, Islam is making mammoth strides forward in the states as well as around the world.  There are so many other things that the hosts of wickedness are pressing forward on.  Our only hope is a true Holy Spirit revival.  Eph. 3:20 is still in the Bible.  II Chron. 7:14 is still in the Bible.  My message is still the same.  I’m begging you to pray for me.

Thanks for reading this, praying, and if you feel so inclined, we’d love to hear from you.  My email address is Luke962@juno.com for those who prefer.

Your Brother in Jesus,

Jim Anderton

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