Dear Friends,
Praise The Lord and Merry Christmas! We would like to give you the lowdown on what has been happening with the ministry and our family.
Jim has been working with prisoners from the Chemung County Jail and is with them twice a week. On Thursdays he does one on one with the men and Fridays he preaches God’s Word to them. We have been watching many lives being touched. He is planning on starting meetings for the men when they are released so they can continue their discipleship and have a place to go to encourage them in their walk of faith. Bev and a dear friend named Sharon also go up on Thursdays for the women and teach the Bible study the first Wednesday of every month.
We are beginning our third year of work with the young people from the home church. These guys are a rich blessing to be with and work with. We have a Monday night home Bible study and rejoice that the Lord is pleased to add to our group those that are hungry for the deeper things of Christ. We are busy preaching on Sundays and rejoice at the privilege of giving out God’s Word. We are still continuing our work with the brethren in Maryland.
A local family has been raised up to help us with our ministry. They have put together a web sight which you can view at Perhaps you can tell others about it. This ministry is moving by word of mouth and God’s people faithfully praying.
Our oldest son is now home with his wife after completing his tour of duty in Iraq. He is a sergeant and enjoys his work on helicopters, while she is teaching high school calculus. She’s got brains!
Ben and his wife Angela are expecting their second child due this April. No foolin‘! They are rejoicing in the Lord and following the life of faith as laid down in the Scriptures. Ben has had an article published in the Williamsport Sun Gazette. He is studying communications at Mansfield University and also works a full time job to support his family. His plate is full!
Our other two sons are studying criminal justice at a local university, are living with us at home, and wondering when the right girl will come along. Ah, youth.
Our daughter is studying to be a Registered Nurse, and we know that whatever she puts her hand to do will be done well.
We hope that all of you will have a joyous Christmas in Jesus. We count it an honor to be entrusted with the glorious Gospel and to watch lives taken from death to life. Keep up the good fight of faith and again, Merry Christmas everyone!
For The Entire Anderton Family,
Jim & Bev
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