In the Old Testament times, the people lived in walled cities, and placed watchmen upon the walls to warn of any coming danger. If danger was coming, and the people were not made aware, they would have a (false) peace in believing that all was well, until the last moment when the enemy would spring upon them. The watchman is to be faithful to warn. Jesus said that He would come as a thief in the night, and blessed are those who are looking for His coming and are prepared (Matt. 25). But woe to those, especially the preachers, who today are showing great signs and wonders and power. Our only safeguard in these last days, again, is to keep our eyes on Jesus and to know the Word of God, and not listen to false teachers who explain away the Word, as many are doing today. The song “The Watchman” is one of the most powerful songs I have ever written, suited for this desperate time in which we live. Jesus is coming back soon!
As we have gone along in ministry and the burden for true Holy Ghost-inspired revival has grown in my heart, I see the grave responsibility of warning both saint and sinner alike. The psalmist David saw the need in Israel and cried out to God for mercy, that God would be gracious and revive His people once again (Ps. 85). This song is taken from Ps. 85:4-7 KJV. When God’s people are truly, earnestly looking for God’s will and not manifestations, and pray from the heart, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven,” then we will see God’s hand begin to move and souls will be saved. True revival is a return to the sound teaching of the Word of God and the practice of that Word in our daily lives. The purpose of the Scriptures is to point us to Jesus, the Christ of God. My heart’s desire for myself, my wife, and my five children, and for all of you, is Phil. 3:10.
When we do truly know God and are following in His ways, then we have no fear in our hearts, for perfect love casts out fear, and that perfect love yearns to see Jesus lifted up and glorified in everything. As in Psalm 115, our desire today needs to be Christ-centered. This song is a happy song for me, and during its recording there was a joy that filled the studio, and I was so blessed that some of my closest friends, John and Mimi Loux, were able to sing along on this song. Twenty years ago their little son, Derek heard me singing some of these songs. Now, Derek has recorded my songs, and his parents are joining me! After recording the lead vocal, with the shout at the end which I had never done before, Derek looked at me and said, “Did you want to do that?” This was nothing more than the shout of victory rising up from my heart. Jesus has done it all — paid the full price for our inheritance.
The Church today is filled with a can-do spirit. This must die before the life of Christ can be manifested to a lost and dying world. The true Christian life is a cross, and that glorious hymnwriter from the past, Isaac Watts, saw it when He wrote, “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”. The hymn is not only beautiful, but the message needs to be clearly understood by saints today as it was down through the ages. Jesus calls us to die daily to our desires and to follow Him (Luke 9:23).
After Bible College and ministering for three years with a youth organization, I continued to see the backslidden state of the Church. One day the Lord showed me that we were to follow Him, regardless of what men thought, and that we were to put our hands to the plow and not look back. Hence, the birth of Hand to the Plow Ministries, (Luke 9:62). The Lord gave me the song for myself, and for what I was seeing at that time, and still see today. Putting your ‘hand to the plow’ is not ‘giving it your best shot’. It has nothing to do with our intestinal fortitude, but everything to do with keeping our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who will lead you or anyone into truth if you walk in humility before Him (Heb. 12:2). It is He who strengthens us for that race.
The Bible states clearly in Hebrews 4:15 that Jesus was tempted in every conceivable manner possible, but unlike us, He never yielded to temptation. He never knew sin. When He was hung upon the Cross, He, the sinless Son of God, had our sin laid upon Him, and thereby paid the penalty for sin with His own lifeblood. Jesus is God’s sacrifice for any who cry out for mercy. The judgment we deserve, He bore. Therefore, salvation is only found in Him. John 3:16-21; Acts 4:12; II Corinthians 5:21
Unknown to me, the parents of one of my closest friends, John and Gladdie Wells, had prayed for two years for my salvation. Their prayers were gloriously answered on July 22, 1972, through my cousin Betsy, in Ohio. This song is about that wonderful day. I saw my need as a hell-deserving sinner, completely helpless in my sins in need of a Saviour.
Written approximately a year after I was saved, this song was taken from Rev. 3:20. As I looked around in the churches, I couldn’t understand why believers could sit so placidly by and act spiritual for one hour of the week, and apathetic for the rest. The Lord began to show me, even back then, that the life of faith is indeed a very narrow road (Matt. 7:13-14). The lukewarm will be spit out (Rev. 3:16), contrary to the popular teachings today. In this letter and this recording, I cry out to all who will listen to return to your first love.
“I Wonder” came about after one of the darkest periods of my life. I had fallen away from the Lord into alcoholism, and was very close to self destruction. But my Father in heaven, who is rich in mercy, heard my cry on Nov. 10, 1976, and delivered me from my affliction. “I Wonder” is a poem written by Mrs. Fred Eckert, whom I have never met. The music line was in my head, but had no lyrics. A young lady at Campus Crusade handed me this poem, which fit every note and inflection I had worked out. Hopefully this song will be a rich blessing to anyone going through deep waters, or just needing assurance of God’s faithfulness. I rejoice, because while many may have given up on this man, the Lord was faithful to His promise, that He would never leave me nor forsake me (Heb. 13:15).
Paul tells us in I Cor. 15:51-52a, “Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed — in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.” The coming of the Lord is imminent. It is quite possible some of you will be reading this after the true Church is gone from this world. The signs are everywhere. Prophecies uttered over thousands of years ago are being fulfilled every day. While the alarm is being sounded, we always have to keep joy in knowing that Jesus is coming. We are on the Victor’s side. We have this glorious blessed hope. This ministry is to prepare as many as will listen — for that great day. May our lamps be filled with oil and our wicks trimmed. For behold the watchman cries out — The Bridegroom cometh!
Matthew 18:1-4; 19:13-16; Psalm 103:12
When I was a little boy, my family joined a swim club. My father stood in the five foot section of the pool, which was way over my head! He kept calling me in, but with my hesitation, I was telling him that either he was not strong enough to hold me, or he was lying! After more coaxing, I jumped! He caught me, and we had a great time! Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, is calling us to come and follow Him. By His life and death He has shown His trustworthiness, and He will not lie. He is strong enough to hold us. We can only bring one thing to the Savior, and that is a repentant heart, broken over sin, and a childlike trust, believing not only that God can forgive and cast our sins as far as the East is from the West, but that He restores and welcomes us into His family. I’m a child of God. How about you?
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